
TalkMeUp NG

TalkMeUp NG gives you all about you... personal development and self improvement blog. focused on health,relationship,career and helping individuals in overcoming challenges by skillful means.

Friday, December 1, 2017



1. Plan your attack.
Define who your best prospects are, and then determine the best way to reach them. Be as specific as possible.

2. If you don't have a website, get one set up.
If you can't afford to have someone custom-design your website , put your site up using one of the companies like Wix, SquareSpace or Godaddy that provide templates and tools that make it easy to create a basic website.

3. Set up your business profile or page on social media sites such as LinkedIn , Facebook, Google Plus,Twitter and Pinterest . Be sure your business profile includes a good description, keywords and a link to your website. Look for groups or conversations that talk about your type of products or services and participate in the conversations, but don't spam them with constant promos for what you sell.

4. Attend meetings of professional groups, and groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, other local business groups, local chapters of national groups such as NAWBO, or civic associations. Have business cards in a pocket where they are easily reachable. Don't forget to ask what the people you speak with do, and to really listen to them. They'll be flattered by your interest, and better remember you because of it.

5. Post Interesting information and pictures regularly to your social media accounts . The information or photos should be interesting to your audience. Tips on how they can improve their life or business or special offers are likely to get the most likes and shares.

6. Pay to boost your most popular posts on social media sites . Target the boosted posts at groups of people who are most like your customers.

7. Write an article that demonstrates your expertise in your field. Send it to noncompeting newspapers, magazines, and websites in your field that accept submissions from experts. Be sure your name, business name, phone number, and a reference to your product or service is included at the end of the article. If the editor can use the article you get your name in print, and possibly get your contact information printed for free, too.

8. Publicize your publicity. Whenever you do get publicity, get permission from the publisher to reprint the article containing the publicity. Make photocopies and mail the copies out with sales letters or any other literature you use to market your product or service. The publicity clips lend credibility to the claims you make for your products or services.

9. Ask for work or leads. Contact nonprofit organizations, schools and colleges, and even other businesses that have customers who may need your services.

10. Network with others who are doing the same type of work you are. Let them know you are available to handle their work overloads. (But don't try to steal their customers. Word will get out, and will ruin your business reputation.)

11. Offer to be a speaker. Industry conferences, volunteer organizations, libraries, and local business groups often need speakers for meetings. You'll benefit from the name recognition, contacts and publicity you gain from being a speaker at these events.

12. Get together with businesses who serve the same market, but sell different products and services. Make arrangements to pass leads back and forth, or share mailings.

13. Have sales letters, flyers and other pertinent information printed and ready to go. Ask prospects who seem reluctant to buy from you: "Would you like me to send information?" Follow up promptly with a note and a letter that says, "Here is the information you asked me to send

14. Promote your posts to targeted audiences on Facebook . This is an expensive way of getting your business in front of potential customers in very targeted locations or who have interests that match what you sell.

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