This New 'Kiss Messenger' Will Let You Send Smooches Via Your iPhone - TalkMeUp NG


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Saturday, January 7, 2017

This New 'Kiss Messenger' Will Let You Send Smooches Via Your iPhone

Kiss your honey from miles away.

Long-distance relationships can be hard. Not being around the one you love for long periods of time can also be incredibly difficult, even if reuniting for brief excursions can be fun and exciting, and even bring you closer in your relationship together .

There are a number of devices on the internet that are specifically marketed to long-distance lovers .
These products can range from the really sweet — like a pillow that lets you feel your partner’s heartbeat when they’re lying on it, or a shirt that lets you feel when your partner is “hugging” you.

There’s also (of course!) the erotic, like a pair of his and hers sex toys that vibrate in time with each other’s movements, or a motion activated “body massager” that uses video game controllers to vibrate .
Some of these products fall in between those categories, however, and allow you to simply send a kiss back and forth across the distance through various devices.

The Kissenger — not to be confused with the former U.S. security adviser, mind you — is a device that attaches to your phone and transmits the pressure of your “kiss” to your partner — a "kiss messenger" of sorts.
Essentially, it looks like a huge phone dock with a plastic pressure pad on the front of it. In order to make it work, you simply press your mouth to the pad and then "send" your kiss message to your partner or loved one. They can choose the location as to where they receive it — like their lips or even their cheek — and then the device “pushes” your kiss to them .
While some people may be less than enthused about a piece of plastic that juts in and out, and can’t be at all realistic (given its flat “kissing” area and the pistons that exert pressure), it’s really the thought that counts in this case, and it could still be a cute way for you to let your S.O. know that you’re thinking about them.

While the kiss messenger should be able to connect to any phone, it will be unusable to iPhone 7 users. Unfortunately, since this device connects to your phone through the headphone jack and those versions of the phones don’t have them, iPhone 7 users will have to wait a little longer or choose from a device that doesn't require a headphone port.

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