We've been dating for 2 years, but my bae still acts single, advise me - TalkMeUp NG


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Saturday, January 7, 2017

We've been dating for 2 years, but my bae still acts single, advise me

I have this feeling she is double dating. She has more friends than Mark Zuckerberg. She is flirtatious and doesn't even deny it.
She has one close male friend that won't leave her side. I asked her about the dude and she said "He is her best male friend, like a brother"
What do I do? I love her so much.
Two years is a long time to still be uncertain of where you stand in someone’s life.
If after two years of being with you she’s still acting single, and does not even deny it, then I’m sorry to inform you that you might be the only one in that relationship.
I mean, you might be in a relationship with her, but she might not in a relationship with you.
Being in a relationship means you are ‘exclusive’ to someone and you actively project that image, you let everyone know that this is who you are in love with.
Many times, when people have trouble doing this, it reveals what the state of their mind is. It is quite uncommon to be in a relationship for two years and still act single.
Acting single after all that time is probably an indication that she was never in the relationship at all.
However, this might just be one big misinterpretation of actions. So, I suggest you give her extra time. As I am often predisposed to advising; have a conversation with her. Communication is very key in any kind of relationship.
So, sit that woman down, and bare your soul to her. Ask her to sincerely tell you where you stand in her life, where she stands as regards your relationship.
You might get an answer that’ll break your heart, bit I think that’s a blessing. I’d rather not spend another day living in a bubble of lies if I were you.
The truth might hurt, and it might take a while, but it’ll surely has the ability to set you free.

Source- pulse.ng

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