how can I earn people's trust? - TalkMeUp NG


TalkMeUp NG

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

how can I earn people's trust?

Building trust will allow you to develop meaningful relationships and cultivate an unspoken mutual understanding; your team can count on you to do what you say and say what you mean. In turn, they will do the same for you. This sense of security, precipitated by you, means that your employees' self-esteem is upheld. A safe haven of trust allows them to speak freely and think more creatively, without feeling rejected or embarrassed.

1. Say what you are going to do and then do what you say!
2. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Frequent, honest communication builds trust. Poor communication is one of the key reasons marriages and work relationships fall apart.
3. Trust is built one day, one interaction at a time, and yet it can be lost in a moment because of one poor decision. Make the right decision.

4. Value long term relationships more than short term success.
5. Sell without selling out. Focus more on your core principles and customer loyalty than short term commissions and profits.
6. Trust generates commitment; commitment fosters teamwork; and teamwork delivers results. When people trust their team members they not only work harder, but they work harder for the good of the team.
7. Be honest! My mother always told me to tell the truth. She would say, “If you lie to me then we can’t be a strong family. So don’t ever lie to me even if the news isn’t good.”
8. Become a coach. Coach your customers. Coach your team at work. Guide people, help them be better and you will earn their trust.
9. Show people you care about them. When people know you care about their interests as much as your own they will trust you. If they know you are out for yourself, their internal alarm sounds and they will say to themselves “watch out for that person.”
10. Always do the right thing. We trust those who live, walk and work with integrity.
11. When you don’t do the right thing, admit it. Be transparent, authentic and willing to share your mistakes and faults. When you are vulnerable and have nothing to hide you radiate trust.

Here are some phrases that will instill trust and confidence within your team.
1. "What can I do to help?"
When you are truly committed to helping others, it creates a ripple effect. Your team will have more passion to work with you and for you if they believe you have their back. Simply saying, "I know that this project is important to you. How can I help?" can move mountains. Be sure to follow through on your promise to assist.
2. "I trust your decision."
If your employees feel you trust them to do the right thing, it will boost morale and productivity. Remember, to be trusted, first you must trust.
3. "What can I do differently?"
Serve those you're leading, not the other way around. Let people know that their opinions count. Part of your job as a leader is to remove the barriers to success by observing what might be standing in the way of your employees achieving their goals. Determine how you can facilitate their progress without eliminating accountability.
4. "What do you think is our best course of action?"
Ask questions versus handing out orders. Considerable insight can be gleaned by asking for someone's opinion. This approach will win the hearts of your team members, as you'll be viewed as a leader who values the perspectives of others and cares enough to ask for feedback.
Have faith in the process. Trust the people you lead. Say "thank you" more often, admit when you are wrong, and be open to new ideas. When you strive to develop more meaningful relationships with your associates, you'll experience a deeper and more fruitful form of success -- one that cannot be measured by profit.

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